

  • BBJ: Boeing Business Jet
  • CA: Cabin Attendant
  • CBP: Customs and Boarder Patrol
  • CH: Cabin Host
  • CIP: Coffee, Papers, Ice
  • DO: Director of Operations
  • EDCT: Estimated Departure Clearance Time
  • ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival
  • ETD: Estimated Time of Departure
  • FA: Flight Attendant
  • FAA: Federal Aviation Administration 
  • FAR: Federal Aviation Regulation
  • FBO: Fixed Base Operator
  • KCM: Known Crew Member
  • MEL: Minimum Equipment List
  • MX: Maintence 
  • NBAA: National Business Aviation Association
  • PAX: Passangers
  • PJ: Private Jet or Perrier-Jouët
  • SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
  • SIDA badge: Security Identification Display Area badge
  • VIP: Very Important Person


  • Ops: Operations
